Product Description
Kashi U Cereal , Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnam Crunch Cereal , Ambrosial Granola Organic Venetian Vineyard Omega 3 Plus , Erewh Strawberry Crisp Cereal , Good Earth Organic Original Sweet Spicy Tea , Volvic Natural Spring Water , Volvic Natural Spring Water , Traditi Al Medicinals Organic Fair Trade Certified Chamomile Pri, Revoluti Tea Sweet Ginger Peach Tea , Domatcha Domatcha Organic 2nd Harvest Matcha , At Kashi, we believe you are what you eat. We also believe you are more than that. So we created Kashi U™ cereal to promote the vitality of life. And in life, everything is interconnected. Just as your systems work together, your body works with other bodies. And everybody unites to build our world.
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This review is from: Kashi U Cereal, Black Currants & Walnuts, 13-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 4) (Grocery)
I know that Kashi makes an assortment of "good for you" cereals but, quite frankly, I just can't bring myself to eat many of them regularly because they taste like tree bark IMO. And Kashi foods in general *are* healthy but not recommended for someone trying to lose weight due to high amounts of fat, calorie, and carbs. For a VERY long time I've been trying to fine a cereal that A) tastes good, B) is low-fat, and C) has a good ratio of carbs-to-fiber-to protein. TRUST ME - this is more difficult than you would imagine because usually the *really good-for-you* cereals (health-wise) taste terrible but Kashi's black currant & walnut cereal is a WINNER for me!!!!! EVEN MY DOG likes the teeny little oat clusters - LOL!
First of all - I LOOOOVE the currants! The sweetened flakes are a wonderful balance to the tart currants and the walnuts and oat clusters add a nice crunch. I add almond slivers and flax seeds to my bowl as well and my tastebuds are singing with each bite!
I'm also very keen on reading ingredients' labels on packages and even though the list on this product initially struck me as long (which usually translates into lots of preservatives via words I can't pronounce), I was pleasantly surprised that the ingredients total about 90% actual food products (natural sweeteners, fruits, grains, etc.) 5% vitamins, and 5% preservatives. That's really good for a wonderful as it tastes :-)
So, all in all, even though I am working on shedding about 50 lbs and need to really watch my fat, calorie, and carb intake, I can eat the recommended serving size of this cereal (1 cup) and not feel like I'm sabotaging my weight loss efforts because I easily burn the 200 calories in my morning workout and the 7g fiber/5g protein/3.5g fat per serving (these numbers are slightly elevated b/c I add my own nuts) are all still "safe" numbers. Sometimes I will even eat the cereal as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack if I chose to eat something different for breakfast. It's THAT yummy!!!!
The only snag I might run into is trying to FIND this cereal. Right now, I've been lucky to buy it at Grocery Outlet for only $2.99/box but these stores typically don't stock "specialty" cereals on a regular basis. They just get a shipment of something in and when it's gone, it's gone. GRRRR!! So I'm going to go buy whatever stock they have left of this cereal and hope I don't have to buy it through Amazon and pay shipping. Sounds like Costco has it though so I might have to break down and buy a membership - just for the cereal. LOL!