Product Description
,Fisher- Infant-To-Toddler Rocker, Blue/Green ,Fisher- Rainforest Bouncer , Fisher- Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper, Yellow, Fisher- Rainforest Open Top Take-Along Swing , Graco Lovin' Hug Infant Swing, Ellie The Juppy Baby Walker is simply designed with safety in mind. The Juppy has received an overwhelming amount of positive product reviews from moms who have purchased it. The ultimate impact will be to see the parent go from the arduous task of bending to the immensely enjoyable act of seeing their baby walk while they themselves stand erect. Unlike traditional baby walkers The Juppy is a parent assisted baby walker which eliminates all of the dangers of walkers with wheels. The unique design of The Juppy eliminates the problems associated with similar products. For example other parent assisted walkers do not have the crotch piece which is essential in keeping the baby from involuntarily lifting its arms. It also helps to keep the babies arms by its side and therefore the baby learns balance on its own. No more falling down stairs or reaching for dangerous objects because The Juppy requires the parents' assistance at all times. - The Juppy is easily transportable. - It fits in your purse. - It s easy for grandparents to use. - No assembly required. - Suitable for boys and girls. - One size fits all (baby weight not to exceed 30lbs). - Adjustable straps for the best fit and height. - Made from 100% cotton that is machine washable. The Original Juppy is featured without a lining to ensure that it's affordable for all families.
This review is from: The Juppy Baby Walker (Original-No lining) (Baby Product)
Upon receiving our Juppy, we put our little girl in, and I truly believe that not only has the Juppy given our daughter the confidence to begin taking steps & attempting to walk on her own, but I believe it has been instrumental in the strength building & physical development of her legs. Not to mention how comfortable & stress free the adjustable straps make it for the backs of the parents using the Juppy. At 7 months, our daughter stands assisted, (mostly while in the Juppy,) or holding onto one of her favorite toys, or the couch, etc... In my opinion, this is a great, innovative product that can't be beat for such a small investment in the development of your child's ability to walk. Great work!